Our leather clutch bag is the perfect small bag for those times when you don’t want to carry a large bag. You can fit all your essential belongings such as mobile phone, keys, credit cards and other smaller items into the bag. On the back there is also a small pocket that closes with a zipper.
You can carry it in your hand, in the small strap that you thread around your wrist, or wear it over the shoulder with the thin shoulder strap that comes with the bag. You can of course also carry it together with your most important belongings in one of our other bags, for example our tote bags to keep your keys, mobile phone and anything else you have with you in order.
It’s perfect when you’re going to a party and it’s perfect as a small handbag for everyday use. It also works as a very luxurious make-up bag, of course.
Height: 13 cm
Length: 21 cm